As the abortion debate reaches boiling point, two of Malta's most passionate and informed activists met for a Times of Malta debate about the issue, and it was not a calm exchange.

Social policy academic Andrea Dibben believes the bill currently before parliament is a step forward but not enough, while journalist Peppi Azzopardi thinks it is an excuse to introduce abortion in Malta.

The Times of Malta debate on the abortion bill.

The Bill will remove criminal liability for doctors and women when a pregnancy is terminated by medical intervention when the woman's life or health are at risk.

The discussion focused mostly on how the word "health" in the bill could, and should, be interpreted.  

Prime Minister Robert Abela has said that the government is willing to consider different wording, as long as the principles of the bill remain untouched.  

Parliament is due to vote on the second reading of the bill on Monday. The PN has said all of its MPs will vote against.

A further two votes and the president's assent will be needed before the bill becomes law. 

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