A Ukrainian MP and Russian official came to blows during a summit held in Turkey this week.

Tensions flared after Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Marikovski unfurled his national flag behind a Russian delegate as she was being interviewed on camera at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC).

Another Russian delegate, Valery Stavitsky, then snatched the Ukrainian flag out of Marikovski’s hands and walked off. 

Video: Oleksandr Marikovski/Facebook

Marikovsi and Stavitsky then came to blows, as the Ukrainian tried to grab the flag back from Stavitsky’s hands. Various other people then intervened in an attempt to break up the fight. 

The Ukrainian MP posted a video of the altercation on his Facebook profile, writing “Paws off our flag, paws off Ukraine, Russian bastard!” 

Delegations were ostensibly at the PABSEC event to seek common ground on a dispute over grain shipments. 

Russia blockaded Black Sea ports as part of its invasion of Ukraine, effectively preventing the country from exporting wheat internationally. The blockade was lifted as part of a deal brokered by Turkey. Russia is however saying it wants various demands met in order to continue that arrangement. 

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