A defining task of our time is to address both social and environmental challenges. Our political commitment is to deliver on the vision of a greener and a more social Malta for us and for future generations.

The planet is passing through turbulent times. The pandemic has changed life as we know it; the way we live, work and spend our leisure time. It is reshaping our lives.

At the same time, we are facing an environmental and climate emergency.

We are in a state of transition. We need to reshape our future into the best version possible.

Being thrown into the deep end without any warning or time for preparation is never easy. Yet, our society, our businesses and our citizens have risen to the occasion.

As Darwin wisely stated, it is not the strongest or the most intelligent of the species that survives, but “the one that is the most adaptable to change”.

The pandemic has served as a catalyst for the digital revolution. We have all experienced the effects of this transformation, such as in the way we now order our food online and have it delivered to our doorsteps.

Another major change is teleworking. A year ago it was the exception but it has now become the new normal for many.

This shift was no walk in the park for employers, employees or their families. Striking a work-life balance is never a simple task and it has been made harder during this period.

The constant connection through technology has further blurred our professional and personal boundaries. For many, the inability to disconnect has increased the interference of work into their private lives and vice-versa.

On the other hand, teleworking has saved many workers the time they used to spend commuting to work. It has offered more flexibility in terms of location and schedule.

With the announcement of our Low-Carbon Development Strategy, our island will witness a revolution on the road to a decarbonised economy

From an environmental perspective, the benefits have been huge. Our mobile offices have introduced new ways of reducing emissions and reshaping our urban environment. The lockdown period reduced traffic, lowered emissions, improved air quality and cut noise pollution.

Interest is being shown in the promotion of teleworking for both social and environmental purposes. While it is not always possible or the natural choice in some sectors, I expect teleworking will become even more frequent beyond the pandemic.

Teleworking must offer a long-term, stable source of production. In this new norm, it must contribute to the well-being of workers in terms of quality of jobs and adequacy of working conditions.

Social rights belong to us all. A social Europe is one that is fair, inclusive and full of opportunity. The European Commission has recently adopted an Action Plan with 20 principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

As our world transforms, the timing could not be better. Furthermore, with the announcement of our Low-Carbon Development Strategy, our island will witness a revolution on the road to a decarbonised economy. 

If nothing else, this pandemic has shown how humanity can quickly adapt. We can change our ways. Paradigm shifts are possible.

This gives me hope. Our ecological and climate emergency needs the same sense of urgency. Our ‘pandemic attitude’ needs to be implemented in our attitude and behaviour towards the ecological and climate crisis.

Aiming high is our baseline. The digital and green transition must include a social dimension. Our revolution needs to be based on a socially just transition. Creating jobs in the emerging green and digital sector is a priority if we want our workforce to be future-proof.

We need to ensure that our people have access to these opportunities and the right skills for these jobs. It is our responsibility to ensure that our children and their children  have an environment in which they can thrive.

This digital and green era has huge potential to transform our societies and quality of life for the better.

Turning each challenge into an opportunity is how we will get there, together.

Aaron Farrugia, Minister for the Environment

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