Understanding and developing emotional intelligence skills is the topic that will be covered by performance coach and leadership trainer Karl Grech during the next Malta BNI Business Briefing (BBB).

Entitled ‘Understanding Emotional Intelligence and Why We Need It In the Workplace’, this interactive webinar will be delivered on Wednesday, December 2, at noon via Zoom. The synergetic presentation will be of particular interest for human resources heads, directors and persons in leadership or managerial roles. Visitors are welcome.

The Malta BNI Business Briefings initiative is a series of free-of-charge online meetings organised by Malta BNI, a body which forms part of the global Business Networking International (www.bni.com).  Operating on the principle of ‘givers’ gain’ and promoting innovative concepts of business referrals, today BNI has 9,829 chapters with more than 270,000 members. In 2020, notwithstanding the pandemic, through its innovative systems and core values, BNI members generated more than €13 billion in business transactions.

This fourth BBB will take the form of an interactive webinar, during which Grech will tell participants what they need to know about emotional intelligence at work.

“With the advent of what is being called the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, that is the emergence of commercial artificial intelligence,” he said. “All of the most credible research organisations are speaking loudly about the value of emotional intelligence skills as the core differentiator for individuals and organisations in an AI-enabled world.”

One of the key skills for survival from 2020 onwards

Harvard Business Review recently stated that the rise of AI makes emotional intelligence more important as skills like persuasion, social understanding and empathy are going to become differentiators, as artificial intelligence and machine learning take over other tasks. Furthermore, the World Economic Forum has identified emotional intelligence as one of the key skills for survival from 2020 onwards.

As a trainer and coach for over 10 years, Grech has facilitated training in Malta and overseas (UK, Denmark, and Sweden) for team members at all levels − from operational through to heads of departments and senior managers focusing on leadership, coaching skills, communication and more. He is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), trained in PRISM brain-mapping and Genos Emotional Intelligence tools as well as the use of Lego Serious Play methodology. He is a Malta BNI de Redin Chapter member, where he represents the coaching and training category, offering his services online via Zoom and in-person sessions.

One can participate free of charge in the webinar by registering via the following Zoom link: https://bnionline.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqdOmrrzooE9wPbUeRpvg_LL6svWi_mSDs.

For more information about this event, e-mail Viviana Premazzi at viviana@gmdmalta.com or David Bullock at david.malta.bni@gmail.com or Carmel Bonello carmelbonello2020@outlook.com.

In Malta, the organisation fosters stronger collaboration between businesses, especially micro and small enterprises and partnerships, as it creates new commercial opportunities in Malta and beyond, especially in these uncertain times.

Moreover, since last July, Malta BNI has embarked on a series of international joint business meetings with entrepreneurs and business persons who are BNI members in Italy, the US, South Africa and Cyprus. Finland will be next on December 4, 2020.

Malta BNI was established in 2012. Today, it has five active chapters, which are currently regularly meeting via Zoom, and is now planning to set up a sixth chapter in Malta.

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