Various celebrations are being held at St Margaret parish of Sannat this week. The First Holy Communion was held last Sunday afternoon. Twenty-one boys and girls, accompanied by their parents and catechists, received Holy Communion during Mass led by archpriest Michael Curmi, together with Mgr Tarċisju Camilleri and Mgr Renato Borg.

On Friday, 16 boys and girls will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation by Bishop Anton Teuma at 5pm. This will be Mgr Teuma’s first official visit to Sannat parish.

Sannat parish will also be holding three days of Holy Eucharist Adoration, known as the Kwaranturi, between Friday and Sunday. Sunday, being Pentecost Sunday, solemn Mass will led by Mgr Karm Gauci at 7pm. Due to health restrictions, the procession with the Holy Host will not be held this year.

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