Steven Fenech and his new partner Sarah Farrugia recently returned from the UK where they won the Manchester Grand Prix. Last month, they placed second in the Danish Latin American Combi 2, Wheelchair Dance World Cup.

The couple recently also placed third in their category at the Holland Dans Spektakel. They also won the Mainhatten Cup Latin American Combi 2 held in Frankfurt, Germany.  Steven and Sarah, who have been dancing together for a year, are now practising hard for the Latin American Wheelchair Championships being held during the German Open Championships, which is one of the largest competitions in the world for able-bodied dancers.

Steve, who had previously been without a partner, said he was proud of his Sarah. The couple are also hoping to compete in IPC competitions, representing Malta, in the near future.

The Malta Wheelchair Dancesport Association are looking for sponsors to help with the costs of sending the couple to compete in international competitions. For more information e-mail

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