Ida Mathilde Steensgaard, the world champion in Obstacle Course Race, is coming to Malta to participatein the Grid May Event which will be held in May 2020.

Steensgaard is one of the most distinguished athletes in her discipline. Steensgaard has already won the national championships in her home nation Denmark and struck gold in the European Championships.

Such success have only fuelled Steensgaard’s resolve of conquering some of the sports biggest events.

“I have been competing within OCR for six years now, and I have been teaching OCR training for four years,” Steensgaard said.

“My goal is to be the best obstacle racer in the world, and to help inspire and ensure the growth and thrive of this new sport. I love the versatility of OCR, and that it is a fun and challenging way to push yourself both physically and mentally.”

Steensgaard said that she won’t be coming to Malta to just participate in the event, but she will also set up her own team #TeamIda to take part in the Female Elite Wave.

Interested participants will be selected on Saturday when Ida will be coming to Malta for the first bootcamp and team selection. The selected eight will then continue to be trained and monitored by Steensgaard herself.

“I can’t wait to come to Malta, and set-up a team that wants to get more specific tips and techniques for the upcoming OCR race “The Grid”.

“I am hosting a big OCR day, for all to join on Saturday February 29, where I will pick a small exclusive OCR team #TeamIda, that can proceed to specific individual training sessions to improve their training towards “the Grid” OCR race in May.

“You don’t have to be an elite obstacle racer, but just you need to thrive and learn with a positive attitude to take on a fun challenge. I promise, it will be fun!! I can’t wait to come to Malta”.

Participation is free and you can apply on


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