MSSP Oratory Youths is organising an open dialogue on the theme of freedom of speech at Vecchia Napoli restaurant, Salini, on Wednesday, May 10 at 7.45pm. This is the second in a series of MSSP open discussions for youths entitled ‘Bible and Beer’, following the first successful event that discussed the heavy yet pertinent issue of abortion and the right to life.

Some of the questions that will be raised during the upcoming discussion include: I and/vs the other: How far is too far?; Boundaries – where does my freedom to respect someone else’s freedom start and end?; Online freedom – should it be regulated by the state or is it up to the individual?; Is there space for healthy dialogue in today’s day and age?; and have we become too sensitive to the point where we cannot discuss sensitive and important topics?

Commenting on the theme of the upcoming discussion, Fr Giovann Tabone, MSSP, said: “Youths see it every day online – a comment that seeks to segregate one another yet still finds support; a joke that hits with some and misses with others. Needless to say, social media has made such comments accessible to all. But do youths really have a free voice to express their opinions in this ever-evolving medium? Or are their voices really and truly restricted and conditioned?

Participants discussing the issues of abortion and the right to life.Participants discussing the issues of abortion and the right to life.

“It is important for us as a society to consider and understand youths’ struggles in this never-ending conversation.”

During the discussion, a three-member panel from the journalistic, socio-spiritual and sociological fields, namely Mark Laurence Zammit, Fr Matthew Pulis and Prof. Daniela DeBono, will present their own perspectives and points of reflection.

The event will offer a safe place for youths to pose pertinent questions on the subject and discuss them with the guest speakers as well as with other youths around a table while enjoying a drink or two.

All youths aged 18 and above are welcome to come as they are, with whatever views, questions or doubts they may have on the topic at hand.

For more details and register to attend, follow the Facebook event page.

Karl Wright speaking to youths at the first ‘Bible and beer’ session that had discussed abortion and the right to life.Karl Wright speaking to youths at the first ‘Bible and beer’ session that had discussed abortion and the right to life.

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