A 24-year old youth who pestered his mother and grandparents for money to buy drugs, was remanded in custody after pleading not guilty to harassment on Monday.

The young man was escorted to court under arrest, pleading not guilty to harassment, causing his relatives to fear violence, misuse of electronic equipment, threatening his mother and grandparents as well as recidivism.

His family had reported the constant badgering to the police, Inspector Eman Hayman, from the Domestic Violence Unit explained during the arraignment.

The accused had been hounding his mother, demanding money and forcing her to alter her daily pattern to avoid her son’s persistent ways, the court was told.

His legal aid lawyer, Noel Bartolo, did not put forward a request for bail.

The court, presided over by magistrate Rachel Montebello, upheld the prosecution’s request for a protection order in favour of the alleged victims, while remanding the young man in custody.

The court further instructed the Prisons Director to afford the youth all necessary help to overcome his drug problem.

Lawyer Veronica-Anne Spiteri appeared on behalf of the accused’s relatives.

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