Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Do you agree with the owners' decision to close the Montekristo zoo?

    Total Votes: 8358

    Active from: 30/11/2015 - 03/12/2015

    No 10%
    Yes 26%
    It should not have been opened in the first place 64%
  • Do you think the Commonwealth plays a major role in shaping the global political agenda?

    Total Votes: 6567

    Active from: 27/11/2015 - 30/11/2015

    Yes 19%
    No 76%
    I don't know 5%
  • How do the Paris attacks make you feel about your safety?

    Total Votes: 13995

    Active from: 18/11/2015 - 27/11/2015

    No different. These were isolated extremists. 12%
    A little unsafe. It could happen anywhere. 55%
    Very concerned. 33%
  • Will the Paris attacks force you to rethink your travel plans?

    Total Votes: 10455

    Active from: 14/11/2015 - 18/11/2015

    Yes 47%
    No 48%
    I don't know 5%
  • Are you optimistic the Valletta summit could alleviate the migration crisis?

    Total Votes: 9668

    Active from: 10/11/2015 - 14/11/2015

    Yes 16%
    No 79%
    I don't know 5%
  • A committee of MPs has recommended the lowering of the age of sexual consent to 16. Do you agree?

    Total Votes: 9815

    Active from: 05/11/2015 - 10/11/2015

    Yes 51%
    No 45%
    Don't know 3%
  • Shooting pigeons is the only option to control infestation, according to the Sliema mayor. Do you agree?

    Total Votes: 10533

    Active from: 02/11/2015 - 05/11/2015

    Yes 63%
    No 33%
    I don't know 4%
  • Will the health warnings on processed foods make you change your eating habits?

    Total Votes: 8393

    Active from: 29/10/2015 - 02/11/2015

    Yes 37%
    No 56%
    I don't know 7%
  • Do you agree with the building of a tunnel between Malta and Gozo?

    Total Votes: 15710

    Active from: 21/10/2015 - 29/10/2015

    Yes 39%
    No 45%
    I will decide once detailed studies are completed 15%
  • Would you consider using a bicycle to get to work if the conditions are right?

    Total Votes: 9883

    Active from: 16/10/2015 - 21/10/2015

    Yes 47%
    No 53%