Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Was Dom Mintoff one of Malta's best prime ministers?

    Total Votes: 8897

    Active from: 06/08/2016 - 09/08/2016

    Yes 37%
    No 58%
    I don't know 5%
  • Should authorities have waited for new stalls to be completed before moving the Valletta monti?

    Total Votes: 7714

    Active from: 03/08/2016 - 06/08/2016

    Yes, the old stalls are unsightly 17%
    No, the move had to happen anyway 42%
    It should not have been moved at all 41%
  • Should car park attendants:

    Total Votes: 9526

    Active from: 30/07/2016 - 03/08/2016

    Be allowed to continue operating 7%
    Be allowed to rent car parks privately 9%
    Be phased out 84%
  • Do you agree that the obsession with exams and certificates is failing the country's education system?

    Total Votes: 7728

    Active from: 26/07/2016 - 30/07/2016

    Yes 72%
    No 24%
    Don't know. 4%
  • What is Maltese drivers' worst trait?

    Total Votes: 11808

    Active from: 19/07/2016 - 26/07/2016

    Using the mobile phone 50%
    Ignoring traffic lights 4%
    Driving slow on fast lane 30%
    Speeding 16%
  • Should police be equipped with body cameras?

    Total Votes: 6728

    Active from: 16/07/2016 - 19/07/2016

    Yes 91%
    No 7%
    I don't know 2%
  • Do you agree with euthanasia?

    Total Votes: 8629

    Active from: 13/07/2016 - 16/07/2016

    Yes 49%
    No 43%
    Don't know 8%
  • Should authorities clamp down on the noise emitted by firework petards?

    Total Votes: 11150

    Active from: 06/07/2016 - 13/07/2016

    Yes 75%
    No 25%
  • Who will win the Euro 2016 championship?

    Total Votes: 7959

    Active from: 04/07/2016 - 06/07/2016

    France 31%
    Germany 50%
    Portugal 3%
    Wales 16%
  • After the Brexit vote, Britain should be:

    Total Votes: 11609

    Active from: 27/06/2016 - 04/07/2016

    Urged to leave the EU now 34%
    Given all the time needed to leave 18%
    Urged to hold a second referendum 28%
    Convinced to remain in the EU 20%