Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Do you feel you are financially better off now than 3 years ago?

    Total Votes: 8623

    Active from: 26/10/2016 - 28/10/2016

    Yes 33%
    No 67%
  • Which is the most important measure to tackle rising obesity in Malta?

    Total Votes: 11104

    Active from: 20/10/2016 - 26/10/2016

    Introduce a tax on sugar, fatty foods 15%
    Create more open spaces for exercise 14%
    Provide more healthy, affordable eating 31%
    Embark on aggressive education campaign 41%
  • Do you think Budget 2017 is good for you?

    Total Votes: 9568

    Active from: 17/10/2016 - 20/10/2016

    Yes 28%
    No 50%
    No difference 22%
  • Should the morning-after pill be sold over the counter?

    Total Votes: 8338

    Active from: 14/10/2016 - 17/10/2016

    Yes 58%
    No 37%
    I don't know 5%
  • Does the presence of a gas tanker in Marsaxlokk concern you?

    Total Votes: 11772

    Active from: 10/10/2016 - 14/10/2016

    Yes 65%
    No 33%
    I don't know 3%
  • Is the Panama Papers scandal still relevant to you?

    Total Votes: 9027

    Active from: 07/10/2016 - 10/10/2016

    Yes 71%
    No 29%
  • Should former politicians be eligible for appointment to the judiciary?

    Total Votes: 8272

    Active from: 03/10/2016 - 07/10/2016

    Yes 14%
    No 83%
    I don't know 3%
  • Should 16-year-olds be given the right to vote in a general election?

    Total Votes: 13734

    Active from: 26/09/2016 - 03/10/2016

    Yes 33%
    No 64%
    I don't know 3%
  • Which of these alternative transport options would be most suitable to Malta?

    Total Votes: 9779

    Active from: 21/09/2016 - 26/09/2016

    Metro 50%
    Train 4%
    Tram/Monorail 29%
    Widespread bus network 17%
  • Should the hunting season be suspended in view of the reported illegalities?

    Total Votes: 9351

    Active from: 17/09/2016 - 21/09/2016

    Yes 84%
    No 14%
    I don't know 1%