Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Who should be the next PN leader?

    Total Votes: 6326

    Active from: 17/07/2017 - 20/07/2017

    Adrian Delia 24%
    Alex Perici Calascione 10%
    Chris Said 23%
    Somebody else 43%
  • Are you happy with the new Marriage Equality Law?

    Total Votes: 8686

    Active from: 12/07/2017 - 17/07/2017

    Yes 31%
    No 52%
    I don't know 4%
    I don't care 13%
  • Do you plan to go on holiday this summer?

    Total Votes: 4761

    Active from: 07/07/2017 - 12/07/2017

    Yes 49%
    No 43%
    I don't know yet 8%
  • The negative reactions to the Last Supper billboard were:

    Total Votes: 6755

    Active from: 03/07/2017 - 07/07/2017

    Fully justified 24%
    Understandable 18%
    Overblown 21%
    Ridiculous 37%
  • Gay marriage in Malta is...

    Total Votes: 7338

    Active from: 27/06/2017 - 03/07/2017

    Long overdue 25%
    Being rushed through 15%
    Of no interest to me 18%
    An assault on family values 42%
  • Law enforcement in Malta is...

    Total Votes: 6654

    Active from: 22/06/2017 - 27/06/2017

    Improving 11%
    Getting worse 75%
    Unchanged 15%
  • What's the best way to control the pigeon population?

    Total Votes: 4849

    Active from: 19/06/2017 - 22/06/2017

    Feed them contraceptives 52%
    Shoot them 28%
    Install pigeon spikes 11%
    Do nothing 9%
  • Can the government carry out its pledge to fix all Malta's roads in seven years?

    Total Votes: 7167

    Active from: 14/06/2017 - 19/06/2017

    Yes 36%
    No 64%
  • Who should be the PN's next leader?

    Total Votes: 8073

    Active from: 09/06/2017 - 14/06/2017

    Simon Busuttil 34%
    An established politician 6%
    A young politician 24%
    Someone from outside the party ranks 35%
  • What led to Labour's big victory?

    Total Votes: 11140

    Active from: 04/06/2017 - 09/06/2017

    Joseph Muscat's style 18%
    The PN's 'negative' approach 28%
    The economy 21%
    Power of incumbency 34%