Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Is Budget 2018 a good one for you?

    Total Votes: 5906

    Active from: 09/10/2017 - 13/10/2017

    Yes 39%
    No 21%
    Makes no difference 40%
  • What should the 2018 budget mainly focus on?

    Total Votes: 4239

    Active from: 05/10/2017 - 09/10/2017

    Improving infrastructure 56%
    Social welfare 25%
    Health care 7%
    Education 12%
  • Traffic can be reduced most by:

    Total Votes: 4488

    Active from: 29/09/2017 - 05/10/2017

    Taxing the use of the car 16%
    Building more roads 38%
    Giving priority to buses 28%
    Introducing congestion charges 18%
  • Playboy's Hugh Hefner was:

    Total Votes: 1795

    Active from: 28/09/2017 - 29/09/2017

    Libertarian 27%
    An exploitative man 28%
    Both 45%
  • Law-breaking crane operators should be

    Total Votes: 3348

    Active from: 26/09/2017 - 28/09/2017

    Warned 2%
    Suspended 33%
    Fined 29%
    Jailed 36%
  • What would encourage you to use public transport?

    Total Votes: 4484

    Active from: 22/09/2017 - 26/09/2017

    Free bus fares 29%
    Less traffic delays 47%
    Extended hours 9%
    Deterrents against private car usage 15%
  • Can Adrian Delia revamp the Nationalist Party?

    Total Votes: 7900

    Active from: 17/09/2017 - 22/09/2017

    Yes 39%
    No 47%
    I don't know 14%
  • Can Adrian Delia revamp the Nationalist Party?

    Total Votes: 0

    Active from: 17/09/2017 - 16/09/2017

    Yes 0%
    No 0%
    I don't know 0%
  • Who would be the best leader for the PN?

    Total Votes: 10258

    Active from: 09/09/2017 - 16/09/2017

    Adrian Delia 34%
    Chris Said 33%
    Neither of the two 33%
  • How can Malta reduce its waste problem?

    Total Votes: 4818

    Active from: 02/09/2017 - 09/09/2017

    Introduce incineration 25%
    Facilitate recycling 22%
    Impose a payment for mixed waste 9%
    All of the above 44%