Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • The new free school transport system will:

    Total Votes: 5009

    Active from: 20/09/2018 - 25/09/2018

    Work at once 6%
    Work after several tweaks 69%
    Never work 24%
  • The proposed db St George's Bay project is:

    Total Votes: 5157

    Active from: 17/09/2018 - 20/09/2018

    Hideous 84%
    Exciting 5%
    A sign of the times 7%
    Of no interest to me 4%
  • Were the police heavy-handed when removing activists from the Planning Authority premises?

    Total Votes: 6442

    Active from: 13/09/2018 - 17/09/2018

    Yes 73%
    No 27%
  • Where should a memorial to Daphne Caruana Galizia be located?

    Total Votes: 9054

    Active from: 09/09/2018 - 13/09/2018

    By the Great Siege monument 33%
    Any public place 8%
    Bidnija 8%
    There should be no memorial 52%
  • If Malta was to have a single national day, which should it be?

    Total Votes: 5330

    Active from: 05/09/2018 - 09/09/2018

    Independence Day 76%
    Freedom Day 8%
    Victory Day 12%
    Sette Giugno 4%
  • What's the Catholic Church's biggest problem today?

    Total Votes: 5778

    Active from: 30/08/2018 - 05/09/2018

    Clerical sex abuse scandals 64%
    Out of touch with society 24%
    Losing followers 8%
    It has no major problem 4%
  • Are you concerned about Malta's cost of living?

    Total Votes: 5790

    Active from: 27/08/2018 - 30/08/2018

    Yes 93%
    No 7%
  • How should the PA have handled the cow farm saga?

    Total Votes: 4169

    Active from: 22/08/2018 - 27/08/2018

    Evicting residents 3%
    Prosecuting the landlord 25%
    Both of the above 64%
    Closing an eye 8%
  • Festa petards should be:

    Total Votes: 7781

    Active from: 17/08/2018 - 22/08/2018

    Part of our tradition 26%
    Toned down 20%
    Tolerated 2%
    Banned 53%
  • Have you ever been a victim of online abuse?

    Total Votes: 3595

    Active from: 13/08/2018 - 17/08/2018

    Yes 25%
    No 75%