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Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • PN MPs who disapprove of Adrian Delia's leadership should:

    Total Votes: 5565

    Active from: 17/01/2019 - 22/01/2019

    Step down 18%
    Go public 68%
    Say nothing 2%
    Take internal action 13%
  • Now that the Brexit deal has been voted down, Theresa May should:

    Total Votes: 4760

    Active from: 14/01/2019 - 17/01/2019

    Call a general election 8%
    Call a second EU referendum 73%
    Go for a hard Brexit 14%
    Resign 6%
  • If a general election were to be called tomorrow who would you vote for?

    Total Votes: 8951

    Active from: 10/01/2019 - 14/01/2019

    Labour Party 22%
    Nationalist Party 40%
    A third party 16%
    I will not vote 22%
  • In the wake of domestic abuse claims, Adrian Delia should:

    Total Votes: 7421

    Active from: 03/01/2019 - 10/01/2019

    Stay on, unless claims are proven 31%
    Step down at once or sacked 22%
    Suspend himself, pending court case 43%
    Stay on at all costs 4%
  • In 2019, I believe my standard of living will:

    Total Votes: 4203

    Active from: 01/01/2019 - 03/01/2019

    Improve 17%
    Remain the same 45%
    Get worse 38%
  • How should the media handle Adrian Delia's separation?

    Total Votes: 4686

    Active from: 29/12/2018 - 01/01/2019

    Run the story- it's public interest 28%
    Report selectively 3%
    Only report official statements 8%
    Not report it at all 61%
  • What would you like to see improve in 2019?

    Total Votes: 3600

    Active from: 27/12/2018 - 29/12/2018

    Rule of law 61%
    The environment 23%
    The traffic situation 13%
    Spending power 3%
  • How much did you spend on Christmas presents?

    Total Votes: 5379

    Active from: 21/12/2018 - 27/12/2018

    More than €500 33%
    Between €250 and €500 36%
    Around €100 11%
    Hardly anything 20%
  • Valletta 2018 was:

    Total Votes: 5362

    Active from: 16/12/2018 - 21/12/2018

    Outstanding 11%
    Decent 12%
    Underwhelming 56%
    Terrible 22%
  • I buy my festive gifts mainly from:

    Total Votes: 4914

    Active from: 11/12/2018 - 16/12/2018

    Online retailers 42%
    Local retailers 33%
    I hardly buy anything 25%