Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Do you think Malta will make it to the Eurovision song contest final?

    Total Votes: 6770

    Active from: 13/05/2019 - 17/05/2019

    Yes 21%
    No 12%
    I don't care 68%
  • The best way to cut down on single-use plastics is by:

    Total Votes: 4927

    Active from: 10/05/2019 - 13/05/2019

    Taxing it 4%
    Educating 6%
    Banning it 90%
  • Should politics be taught in schools?

    Total Votes: 6483

    Active from: 05/05/2019 - 10/05/2019

    Yes 32%
    No 66%
    I don't know 2%
  • Who should win the Maltese Premier League?

    Total Votes: 3549

    Active from: 30/04/2019 - 05/05/2019

    Hibernians FC 68%
    Valletta FC 32%
  • The hefty construction in Malta is:

    Total Votes: 8606

    Active from: 25/04/2019 - 30/04/2019

    The motor to the economy 3%
    A necessary evil 2%
    Out of control 8%
    Ruining the country 87%
  • The Gozo-Malta tunnel plan rushed through parliament is:

    Total Votes: 6990

    Active from: 20/04/2019 - 25/04/2019

    Great news 11%
    Promising 2%
    Concerning 4%
    Irresponsible 83%
  • The safety precautions being taken for the road-embellishment projects are:

    Total Votes: 6028

    Active from: 15/04/2019 - 20/04/2019

    Sufficient 7%
    Insufficient 6%
    Professional 2%
    Severely lacking 85%
  • A proposal to build a motorsport racetrack in Ħal-Far is...

    Total Votes: 5219

    Active from: 13/04/2019 - 15/04/2019

    A great idea 20%
    A very bad idea 4%
    Acceptable, if it spares ODZ land 26%
    Unacceptable for size of Malta 50%
  • Kristy Debono and Hermann Schiavone's meeting with Yorgen Fenech...

    Total Votes: 3175

    Active from: 12/04/2019 - 13/04/2019

    Undermines the PN's credibility 71%
    Is no big deal 25%
    Is simply naive 4%
  • Cremation in Malta is...

    Total Votes: 3946

    Active from: 09/04/2019 - 12/04/2019

    Long overdue 86%
    Debatable 8%
    Wrong 6%