Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Do you agree that Malta has a problem of racism?

    Total Votes: 5876

    Active from: 09/07/2012 - 13/07/2012

    Yes 64%
    No 33%
    Don't know 3%
  • Do you agree that Richard Cachia Caruana should have been made to resign?

    Total Votes: 20703

    Active from: 19/06/2012 - 09/07/2012

    Yes 46%
    No 50%
    Don't know 3%
  • Should policemen be allowed to sport tattoos?

    Total Votes: 8559

    Active from: 13/06/2012 - 19/06/2012

    Yes 23%
    No 56%
    Makes no difference 21%
  • Do you agree with parliament's decision to force Carm Mifsud Bonnici to resign?

    Total Votes: 12968

    Active from: 31/05/2012 - 13/06/2012

    Yes 42%
    No 53%
    Don't know 4%
  • Should Malta consider leaving the Eurovision Song Contest?

    Total Votes: 8132

    Active from: 27/05/2012 - 31/05/2012

    Yes, voting is too political 55%
    No, it is still an opening for Malta's singers 43%
    Don't know 2%
  • Kurt Calleja has made it to the Eurovision Finals. Do you think he will be in the top five?

    Total Votes: 4149

    Active from: 25/05/2012 - 27/05/2012

    Yes 34%
    No 66%
  • Singer Kurt Calleja faces his big night on Thursday. Do you think he will qualify for the Eurovision Song Contest final?

    Total Votes: 5852

    Active from: 22/05/2012 - 25/05/2012

    Yes 26%
    No 68%
    Don't know 6%
  • Eight years after EU accession, do you think EU membership was a good idea?

    Total Votes: 25633

    Active from: 01/05/2012 - 22/05/2012

    Yes 57%
    No 38%
    Don't know 5%
  • What should happen on May 9 if Franco Debono abstains and the Speaker uses his vote?

    Total Votes: 7925

    Active from: 25/04/2012 - 01/05/2012

    The government should stay in place once the Budget Bill would still have been approved 35%
    The prime minister should ask the President to dissolve parliament and call an election 62%
    Don't know 3%
  • Are you confident that hunting laws will be generally observed during the spring hunting season?

    Total Votes: 9866

    Active from: 16/04/2012 - 25/04/2012

    Yes, by most hunters 22%
    No 74%
    Don't know 3%