Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Should the government cut down on certain elements of the City Gate project to avoid budget overruns?

    Total Votes: 5393

    Active from: 29/07/2013 - 01/08/2013

    Yes 48%
    No 49%
    Don't know 4%
  • Should Gozo have a fully-fledged cruise liner terminal?

    Total Votes: 5300

    Active from: 25/07/2013 - 29/07/2013

    Yes 48%
    No 47%
    Don't know 4%
  • Should animals be banned from circuses?

    Total Votes: 14000

    Active from: 15/07/2013 - 25/07/2013

    Yes 51%
    No 26%
    Don't know 23%
  • Do you agree that whole-life prison sentences breach human rights?

    Total Votes: 4642

    Active from: 09/07/2013 - 15/07/2013

    Yes 14%
    No 83%
    Don't know 3%
  • Should the Valletta CVA be revised or should it revert to the old Valletta licence?

    Total Votes: 5437

    Active from: 27/06/2013 - 09/07/2013

    Revise the CVA 65%
    Revert to the old licence system 24%
    Don't know 12%
  • What would you prefer as a Malta-Gozo link:

    Total Votes: 7801

    Active from: 19/06/2013 - 27/06/2013

    A bridge between Malta and Gozo? 31%
    A tunnel? 15%
    An efficient, fast ferry service 54%
  • Are you happy with the government after its first 100 days?

    Total Votes: 7629

    Active from: 13/06/2013 - 19/06/2013

    Yes 33%
    No 61%
    Don't know 6%
  • Should the Prime Minister take action against Parliamentary Secretary Franco Mercieca for breaching the special waiver he was given to carry out private work?

    Total Votes: 3638

    Active from: 09/06/2013 - 13/06/2013

    Yes 73%
    No 20%
    I don't care 7%
  • Do you agree with the granting of an amnesty for prisoners to mark the election of a new government?

    Total Votes: 3381

    Active from: 05/06/2013 - 09/06/2013

    Yes 18%
    No 79%
    Don't know 3%
  • Should the presence of rare birds be publicised?

    Total Votes: 742

    Active from: 04/06/2013 - 05/06/2013

    Yes, so people can enjoy them. 44%
    No, because they would be put at risk 51%
    Don't know 4%