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Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.
Current Times poll
Previous poll results
Roughly, how much will you spend on Christmas gifts?
Total Votes: 3679
Active from: 12/12/2024 - 23/12/2024
Less than €100 15%Between €100-€300 27%More than €300 45%Not spending anything 13% -
Should Russia's Sergey Lavrov have been invited to the OSCE conference in Malta?
Total Votes: 4545
Active from: 03/12/2024 - 12/12/2024
Yes, dialogue is crucial in war 49%No, because of Russia's aggression 48%I don't know 3%0% -
Should Malta enshrine EU membership into its constitution?
Total Votes: 2334
Active from: 29/11/2024 - 03/12/2024
Yes 50%No 44%I don't know 6%0% -
Should Malta's local plans for buildings be amended?
Total Votes: 3824
Active from: 19/11/2024 - 29/11/2024
Yes, to protect nature and heritage 94%Leave everything unchanged 3%Make them more flexible 3%0% -
Are Malta’s plans to regulate Airbnb apartments:
Total Votes: 2961
Active from: 12/11/2024 - 19/11/2024
Too restrictive: they will not work 32%Too lax: we need stricter rules 39%An interesting solution 19%Don't know 9% -
Donald Trump's re-election as US president will be:
Total Votes: 3364
Active from: 07/11/2024 - 12/11/2024
Good for the world 38%Bad for the world 50%It won't make a difference 13%0% -
What do you think of Budget 2025?
Total Votes: 3248
Active from: 28/10/2024 - 07/11/2024
Good tax incentives 14%It had the wrong priorities 49%Balanced on the whole 12%It doesn't really impact me 25% -
Should there be a minimum age limit on social media to protect children?
Total Votes: 2245
Active from: 24/10/2024 - 28/10/2024
Yes, it's important 86%No, parental guidance is better 8%Yes, but it should be flexible 3%No, age limit is tough to enforce 4% -
Would you be willing to cycle to work if you were rewarded for it?
Total Votes: 3569
Active from: 15/10/2024 - 24/10/2024
Yes, a reward always helps 21%Maybe, depends on type of reward 15%No 62%I already cycle to work 3% -
Should Malta officially recognise the Palestinian state?
Total Votes: 4343
Active from: 07/10/2024 - 15/10/2024
Yes, right away 46%Yes, but not now 13%No 33%I don't know 7%