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Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Should Malta's local plans for buildings be amended?

    Total Votes: 3824

    Active from: 19/11/2024 - 29/11/2024

    Yes, to protect nature and heritage 94%
    Leave everything unchanged 3%
    Make them more flexible 3%
  • Are Malta’s plans to regulate Airbnb apartments:

    Total Votes: 2961

    Active from: 12/11/2024 - 19/11/2024

    Too restrictive: they will not work 32%
    Too lax: we need stricter rules 39%
    An interesting solution 19%
    Don't know 9%
  • Donald Trump's re-election as US president will be:

    Total Votes: 3364

    Active from: 07/11/2024 - 12/11/2024

    Good for the world 38%
    Bad for the world 50%
    It won't make a difference 13%
  • What do you think of Budget 2025?

    Total Votes: 3248

    Active from: 28/10/2024 - 07/11/2024

    Good tax incentives 14%
    It had the wrong priorities 49%
    Balanced on the whole 12%
    It doesn't really impact me 25%
  • Should there be a minimum age limit on social media to protect children?

    Total Votes: 2245

    Active from: 24/10/2024 - 28/10/2024

    Yes, it's important 86%
    No, parental guidance is better 8%
    Yes, but it should be flexible 3%
    No, age limit is tough to enforce 4%
  • Would you be willing to cycle to work if you were rewarded for it?

    Total Votes: 3569

    Active from: 15/10/2024 - 24/10/2024

    Yes, a reward always helps 21%
    Maybe, depends on type of reward 15%
    No 62%
    I already cycle to work 3%
  • Should Malta officially recognise the Palestinian state?

    Total Votes: 4343

    Active from: 07/10/2024 - 15/10/2024

    Yes, right away 46%
    Yes, but not now 13%
    No 33%
    I don't know 7%
  • Has the traffic situation forced you to seek alternative means of transport?

    Total Votes: 2725

    Active from: 01/10/2024 - 07/10/2024

    Yes, I'm catching a bus/ferry 16%
    Yes, I'm car sharing 2%
    No, I have no options 82%
  • Should MPs get paid higher salaries?

    Total Votes: 4103

    Active from: 21/09/2024 - 01/10/2024

    Yes, they deserve it 5%
    Yes, to attract better quality 31%
    No, they are paid enough 22%
    No, it won't improve standards 43%
  • Would you consider being cremated as an end-of-life option if it becomes available in Malta?

    Total Votes: 6141

    Active from: 09/09/2024 - 21/09/2024

    Yes, I would prefer it over burial 56%
    I might consider it 17%
    No, I prefer traditional burial 21%
    I'm undecided 6%