Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • On-street parking is free in Malta. It should:

    Total Votes: 5803

    Active from: 03/09/2021 - 07/09/2021

    Remain as it is 53%
    Require payment in prime locations 14%
    Give priority to residents 31%
    Other/none of the above 2%
  • Should Sixth Form become compulsory for all students?

    Total Votes: 6649

    Active from: 27/08/2021 - 03/09/2021

    Yes 57%
    No 40%
    I don't know 3%
  • Should COVID-19 restrictions be eased?

    Total Votes: 7073

    Active from: 20/08/2021 - 27/08/2021

    Yes, all restrictions should go 17%
    Yes, if numbers remain stable 18%
    No, keep them as they are 61%
    They should be tightened further 4%
  • Should taxes be raised to discourage the use of environmentally-harmful goods and services?

    Total Votes: 8468

    Active from: 09/08/2021 - 20/08/2021

    Yes 72%
    No 26%
    I don't know 3%
  • Are you optimistic that the Caruana Galizia public inquiry will force changes in the country?

    Total Votes: 10129

    Active from: 31/07/2021 - 09/08/2021

    Yes 10%
    No 81%
    I don't know 3%
    I don't care 6%
  • Have you lowered your guard since taking the COVID-19 vaccine?

    Total Votes: 8146

    Active from: 23/07/2021 - 31/07/2021

    Yes 32%
    No 60%
    I didn't take the vaccine 7%
  • Do you agree with the concept of remote working?

    Total Votes: 9203

    Active from: 15/07/2021 - 23/07/2021

    Yes 73%
    No 12%
    I don't know 2%
    There should be a hybrid system 14%
  • The decision to ban travel for unvaccinated passengers is:

    Total Votes: 8595

    Active from: 09/07/2021 - 15/07/2021

    Correct 81%
    Extreme 19%
  • To what extent are you respecting COVID-19 restriction measures?

    Total Votes: 4611

    Active from: 06/07/2021 - 09/07/2021

    All the way 75%
    To a large extent 18%
    Not much 4%
    Not at all 3%
  • Who do you think will win Euro 2020?

    Total Votes: 3137

    Active from: 05/07/2021 - 06/07/2021

    Denmark 6%
    England 42%
    Italy 45%
    Spain 7%