Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • The laws for gender quotas in parliament should be:

    Total Votes: 5683

    Active from: 11/04/2022 - 14/04/2022

    Removed 89%
    Revisited 8%
    Retained 4%
  • Do you agree with the relaxation of more COVID-19 restrictions?

    Total Votes: 10175

    Active from: 04/04/2022 - 11/04/2022

    Yes 46%
    No 52%
    I don't know 2%
  • Will you be following any of the Pope's activities in Malta?

    Total Votes: 5867

    Active from: 31/03/2022 - 04/04/2022

    Yes 46%
    No 54%
  • What led to the Labour Party's victory?

    Total Votes: 6503

    Active from: 28/03/2022 - 31/03/2022

    The economy 5%
    Electoral favours 36%
    PN weakness 13%
    All of the above 46%
  • Did the electoral campaign change your voting intentions?

    Total Votes: 6118

    Active from: 23/03/2022 - 28/03/2022

    Yes 6%
    No 94%
  • Should Malta ease off its COVID-19 travel restrictions?

    Total Votes: 7170

    Active from: 19/03/2022 - 23/03/2022

    Yes 67%
    No 31%
    I don't know 2%
  • Homework time for students should be:

    Total Votes: 6366

    Active from: 14/03/2022 - 19/03/2022

    Left the same 50%
    Increased 6%
    Reduced 37%
    Eliminated 7%
  • Are you following the Malta election campaign?

    Total Votes: 8888

    Active from: 08/03/2022 - 14/03/2022

    Yes 15%
    No 65%
    Only marginally 20%
  • Should the Maltese government accept to take in a number of Ukrainian refugees impacted by the war?

    Total Votes: 10073

    Active from: 27/02/2022 - 08/03/2022

    Yes, as many as we can take 81%
    Yes, but keep numbers to a minimum 12%
    No, we never get help ourselves 6%
    I don't know 2%
  • Should Malta suspend the sale of citizenship to Russian citizens after the Ukraine incursion?

    Total Votes: 5571

    Active from: 24/02/2022 - 27/02/2022

    Yes 91%
    No 7%
    I don't know 1%