Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • Was it right for WhatsApp chats between Rosianne Cutajar and Yorgen Fenech to be released online?

    Total Votes: 876

    Active from: 24/03/2023 - 06/04/2023

    Yes, in full 87%
    No 6%
    Yes, but without intimate details 8%
  • 10 years since the Labour Party's election to government, how has Malta changed?

    Total Votes: 1064

    Active from: 07/03/2023 - 24/03/2023

    For the better 6%
    For the worse 93%
    Nothing much has changed 1%
  • What is the most effective solution to reduce traffic congestion?

    Total Votes: 558

    Active from: 23/02/2023 - 07/03/2023

    Raise driving licence age to 21 52%
    Introduce fees for street parking 13%
    Tax additional cars per household 28%
    Stop subsidising fuel cost 7%
  • Do you agree with the hike in traffic fines?

    Total Votes: 648

    Active from: 06/02/2023 - 23/02/2023

    Yes, they're just about right 15%
    They should have been even steeper 73%
    They should remain unchanged 7%
    Current fines are already too steep 5%
  • Should politics be introduced as a subject in secondary schools?

    Total Votes: 398

    Active from: 30/01/2023 - 06/02/2023

    Yes 66%
    No 33%
  • Do you agree with plans to redevelop the Comino hotel?

    Total Votes: 845

    Active from: 18/01/2023 - 30/01/2023

    Yes, the site was already developed 3%
    Yes, if it is strictly controlled 5%
    No, the proposal is too large 2%
    No, Comino should be off-limits 90%
  • What do you think of requiring COVID tests for arrivals from China?

    Total Votes: 511

    Active from: 07/01/2023 - 18/01/2023

    A good decision 86%
    Good, but not enough 8%
    A waste of time 6%
    A dangerous precedent 1%
  • How was 2022 for you?

    Total Votes: 542

    Active from: 27/12/2022 - 07/01/2023

    Good 26%
    Bad 42%
    Average 31%
  • What should be done to increase discipline on the roads?

    Total Votes: 625

    Active from: 10/12/2022 - 27/12/2022

    Increase fines 42%
    Focus on education 50%
    Impose penalty points 8%
  • What should be done to increase discipline on local roads?

    Total Votes: 10

    Active from: 10/12/2022 - 10/12/2022

    Focus on education 50%
    Increase fines 50%
    Increase penalty points 0%
    Nothing needs to be done 0%