Welcome to our poll page

Times of Malta polls provide a quick snapshot of how readers feel about a topic at a particular point in time. Polls and their results are not scientific. Vote in our current poll or see the results of recent ones below.

Current Times poll

Previous poll results

  • The benefits fraud scandal. Who's to blame?

    Total Votes: 3140

    Active from: 07/09/2023 - 21/09/2023

    The politicians 92%
    The system 5%
    The voters 3%
  • Do you agree with the use of speed guns without warnings to drivers?

    Total Votes: 2861

    Active from: 28/08/2023 - 07/09/2023

    Yes 59%
    No 41%
  • Should building permit laws be changed to curb further construction?

    Total Votes: 2564

    Active from: 17/08/2023 - 28/08/2023

    Yes 98%
    No 2%
    I don't know 0%
  • Are Malta's streets getting dirtier?

    Total Votes: 1560

    Active from: 14/08/2023 - 17/08/2023

    Yes 97%
    No 2%
    It hasn't changed 1%
  • Do you plan to travel abroad this summer?

    Total Votes: 2849

    Active from: 01/08/2023 - 14/08/2023

    Already did 29%
    Yes 24%
    No 44%
    I still don't know 2%
  • How have power cuts impacted you?

    Total Votes: 1877

    Active from: 25/07/2023 - 01/08/2023

    Financially 6%
    Health-wise 16%
    An inconvenience 61%
    Not much 17%
  • As the heatwave persists, how concerned are you about climate change?

    Total Votes: 2226

    Active from: 20/07/2023 - 25/07/2023

    Very worried 81%
    Fairly worried 4%
    Not worried at all 4%
    It's not related to climate change 11%
  • How can construction accidents and inconveniences be curbed?

    Total Votes: 953

    Active from: 17/07/2023 - 20/07/2023

    Stricter enforcement 81%
    Curb building permits 17%
    There are enough regulations 1%
    They can never be curbed 1%
  • Should there be a public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul Sofia?

    Total Votes: 2299

    Active from: 13/07/2023 - 17/07/2023

    Yes 97%
    No 3%
    I don't know 1%
  • What are you doing to reduce food costs?

    Total Votes: 744

    Active from: 10/07/2023 - 13/07/2023

    I opt for cheaper alternatives 14%
    I shop from cheaper outlets 19%
    I cut out other luxuries 48%
    I'm doing nothing 19%