New packaging for soft drinks

Simonds Farsons Cisk plc has started to sell its soft drinks in new PET packaging and cans. The new packaging supplements the returnable glass bottles for its leading brands, namely Kinnie, Diet Kinnie, Kinnie Zest, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max, 7UP...

December 20, 2007| Times of Malta 1 min read
Farsons soft drinks are now available in PET packages of various sizes and in cans.Farsons soft drinks are now available in PET packages of various sizes and in cans.

Simonds Farsons Cisk plc has started to sell its soft drinks in new PET packaging and cans.

The new packaging supplements the returnable glass bottles for its leading brands, namely Kinnie, Diet Kinnie, Kinnie Zest, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max, 7UP and Diet 7UP.

The PET packaging comes in different sizes including a 0.5 litre bottle for single serving, a 1.5 litre bottle, which can be purchased in a six-pack, and a new two-litre bottle which offers greater value and is available in a convenient pack of four.

The brands will also be available in 33cl cans.

The new one-way packaging is lightweight, convenient, easier to handle and offers consumers a better choice and value-added pricing, the company said.

"We have made a substantial investment in PET packaging technologies to continue improving our efficiency. Consumers will find this light packaging, with a glass-like look, more convenient to handle. It is more suitable and safe for all at home," said Ray Grech, chief marketing officer at Simonds Farsons Cisk plc.

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