Muscat sued for libel

Nationalist MEP hopeful Alex Perici-Calascione yesterday filed a libel case against Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat over a sound clip that was played during a party activity on Sunday. The sound clip was taken from an hour-and-half-long speech that...

May 19, 2009| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

Nationalist MEP hopeful Alex Perici-Calascione yesterday filed a libel case against Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat over a sound clip that was played during a party activity on Sunday.

The sound clip was taken from an hour-and-half-long speech that Dr Perici-Calascione, who is the lawyer for the hunters' association, had made last Wednesday during a meeting.

In the libel suit, the Nationalist candidate claimed that the clip used was taken completely out of context and asked Dr Muscat to withdraw the false allegations that were meant to harm his reputation.

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