UHM calls for information campaign against tax evasion

The Union Haddiema Maghqudin has appealed to the government to launch an effective information campaign on the need for everyone to pay their taxes. It also called on the government to strengthen the structures which combated tax evasion. The union...

January 28, 2011| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

The Union Haddiema Maghqudin has appealed to the government to launch an effective information campaign on the need for everyone to pay their taxes.

It also called on the government to strengthen the structures which combated tax evasion.

The union referred to a recent Parliamentary question during which it was stated that just over 1,000 people declared an income of more than €75,000 a year.

It said it believed this was a conservative figure which raised many questions and doubts.

Tax collection, the UHM said was the duty of every administration to ensure that the government’s expenditure was efficient and continued placing education, health and the social sector as its priorities.

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