Over 1,400 single women in Naxxar are currently receiving children’s allowance, compared to just 12 single men, according to information tabled in Parliament.
PN MP Graziella Galea raised the issue in a parliamentary question directed to Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon, asking for a gender breakdown of single parents in Naxxar who benefit from children’s allowance.
In his reply, Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon revealed that 200 single women in Naxxar receive children’s allowance, while 1,261 women are receiving the flat-rate allowance. By contrast, seven single men are receiving children’s allowance, with an additional five benefiting from the flat rate.
Galea also queried the number of single parents, broken down by gender, who live in Naxxar but are not receiving the allowance despite having children eligible for it. However, Falzon explained that the Department of Social Security does not hold data on single parents who are not claiming children’s allowance for children under the age of 16.
The minister’s comments come after the 2025 budget announcement, which saw a significant increase in children’s allowance. The measure provides a €250 annual increase per child for all eligible families. This represents a marked rise compared to the previous budget, which had only increased the allowance by €90.
In total, the measure will benefit more than 41,000 families and 62,000 children across Malta, at a projected cost of €15.5 million.