If you've been trying to grow your Instagram profile for a while now, then you will be aware of Instagram bots. 

The Instagram bot industry has developed a pretty bad name for itself over the last few years, but this doesn't mean that you should dismiss it completely. Yes, there is a stigma around using an Instagram bot for your Instagram growth, but the reality is that some companies are better quality than others. 

It is possible to still find an Instagram bot out there that complies with Instagram’s terms and conditions, so that you can preserve your existing reputation, and do well in the future with your content.

Of course, the trouble is finding this kind of Instagram bot. Unfortunately, the Instagram bot industry consists mostly of bots that just want to take advantage of you, then those that want to see you do really well. If you have stayed away from the Instagram bot industry so far, then you won't have a lot of experience discerning between the two. This is where articles like the one below come in. 
Today, we are going to take a look at what we believe to be the best Instagram bots on the market right now, so that you can give your Instagram profile a real shot at success, and you can get help from a company that isn't trying to take advantage of you. Let's review them.

Best Instagram bots

1.  Growthoid
Growthoid is a dedicated, high-quality Instagram bot that has been around in the industry for a little while now. They have definitely been around for long enough to know what their clients need and build on their features so that they are high-quality and affordable. 

They say that they are dedicated to assisting their clients and getting more authentic followers for their profiles, so that you can feel confident that the kind of people looking at your content are actually genuinely interested in it, and not only looking at it because they've been told to. 

This Instagram bot is well aware that there are ghost accounts floating around out there, and they want to do everything they can to stay away from these.

2.  Growthsilo
Growthsilo is similar to Growthoid; in fact, both Instagram bots could be considered OGs of the industry. 

This Instagram bot promises its clients maximum growth speed, and considering their prices are pretty reasonable, we think that this is a great option if you plan on taking your Instagram accounts growth a lot more seriously right now. 
They also say they can provide their clients with a dedicated account manager, a three-day guarantee, and VIP email support that you will be able to access should you sign up for their more expensive plan. Their targeting includes location and gender, so that you can get really specific with your target audience.

3.  Morelikes
Morelikes is one of those Instagram posts that really wants to stand out from the crowd and provide their clients with something that they won't be able to find anywhere else. This is why they have a detection system that can tell when you have uploaded a new piece of content to your Instagram feed, and as soon as you do this, they will send you the right number of comments, views, or likes your way. 

They say that their features ultimately are there to help you boost your exposure, and the best part is that they will diversify their engagement, so they will never send you the same amount of likes on two pieces of content. You can even delay your engagement as well, to make everything look a bit more genuine.

4.  UseViral
UseViral is shrewd in their approach to being an Instagram bot, because they know that the perfect balance to doing really well with Instagram is finding a stellar automation tool that you can couple with a good network of professionals. 

They say that through their network of industry experts, they can promote your content and account throughout social media, which means that they will go beyond Instagram to YouTube and Twitter to get it in front of more people. When it comes to industry experts, they have web partners around the world, who are being paid a certain amount to promote your content.

5.  SidesMedia
SidesMedia has a lot of support for an Instagram bot, which means that you can get in touch with them directly even before you become a client of theirs, to ask them any preliminary questions. If you still aren't sure of what they offer, you can scroll further down their homepage to their FAQ section, and learn everything you need to know about their services. 

They say they can help you with your likes, views, and followers for not just Instagram, but any social media out there, and they promise that they will be delivered to you within just 72 hours. They have really great reviews on their website, which says a lot considering it’s difficult to get positive reviews in this industry.

6.  Nitreo
When you use Nitreo’s Instagram bot, not only are you making it really easy for yourself because it just takes a couple of minutes to get set up with them, but you are guaranteeing organic growth on all of your content. 

This way, you're not signing your life away, and you're not ruining your existing reputation. They say that literally all you need to sign up with them is your email address, which means that they don't ever ask you for personal information like your password. As well as being super easy to get started with, they say that they can promise real results for your growth, which is definitely going to go a long way, and guarantee that you won’t be shadowbanned.

7.  Upleap
Upleap has a way of being the kind of Instagram bot that can not only make your life a lot easier, but they can help you on a personalized level as well. They achieve this by signing up each and every client that comes their way with a dedicated account manager. This way, whenever you need any help with your features, or you've just got a random question, you can get in touch directly with your account manager, and you don't have to wait for hours on their customer support line. They also talk about how passionate they are about helping their clients grow their Instagram profiles authentically, which of course means that they don't spend any time with inauthentic engagement.

8.  Ingramer
Ingramer is so much more than just your average Instagram bot; they're actually a long list of features that you can utilize for every aspect of your Instagram content strategy in general. We love that they can of course automate things like your comments and likes, but they go one step further, and think about the kind of hashtags that you're using on your content as well. They want your hashtag strategy to be the best there is, and they also want to take care of the content side of things. This is why they have a content scheduler, so that you can plan future posts, and see what they might look like on your feed.

9.  Instazood
If you're looking to get more Instagram followers and likes on your content, then these guys are one of the best Instagram bots for you to consider. They say that not only do they offer features through their website, but they have developed an app as well, so that you can take their features wherever you go. If you want to you can check them out for free first by making the most of their five-day trial, and they also say that they are completely safe to use, which means that their bot service will automatically reduce its speed, to make sure that your account is safe and comes well under Instagram’s daily limits.

10. Social Sensei
Social Sensei is a seemingly confident Instagram bot that claims they can help their clients get thousands of new Instagram followers for their profile every month. If you are someone who is hoping to not only do really well with your Instagram content but make the most of things like collaborating with influencers, then this is definitely the right company for you. They say that they can help bridge those connections, and even have celebrities that they work with on a regular basis. Everyone knows that in the social media marketing industry, it is so much about who you know, so teaming up with an Instagram bot like this is only going to be to your advantage.

11. Kenji
Kenji is the kind of Instagram bot that's been around for a while now, and they have been quietly working away at their features, to now be one of the best in the business. They say that their features are powerful and can help you get the right kind of engagement for your content. They can also help you get it fast, and they never violate Instagram’s terms and conditions to achieve this. All you need to do to get your real organic results is to enter your email address, and they say that they currently have a client base of more than 100,000 people. It's also going to take less than a minute to get set up with them, so all in all we think that this is a solid Instagram bot.

12. Stellation Media
Stellation Media ticks all of the right boxes if you are dedicated to your Instagram profile, and have been for many years now. In fact, this Instagram bot has been dedicated to their craft for many years too, and as a result, they've got a diverse range of features for you to choose from. We love that they are constantly checking in on what Instagram is doing and making sure that their features line up with this. This is why one of their latest features is their Instagram story views, where you can get help either getting more people looking at your own Instagram stories, or you can view other people's Instagram stories at scale.

13. Kicksta
Kicksta is a dedicated Instagram bot that believes that their growth speed has some of the best results for their clients. They have divided their features into two different packages, their steady package, and their max package, and with their steady package, you can get video onboarding, 10 targets, and with their max package, you can get video onboarding, 40 targets, VIP email support, live chat support, blacklist, and advanced targeting. 

One of the things that we love the most about the Kicksta Instagram bot is that both packages are reasonably priced so that you definitely don't have to go beyond your budget to afford either one.

14. Instamber
Instamber is so much more than just an Instagram bot. They say that they are an unprecedented solution to help you grow your social media platforms. Of course, they can help you with Instagram, but they go beyond Instagram as well, and can help you with TikTok and Twitter. They say that their general goal with their features for their clients is to help them reduce costs, so they can become more efficient with their growth, and get the people they need and for their content. Of course, they divide their features into different categories based on the network you are trying to grow right now.

15. Ektor.io
Ektor.io has gotten to the point so far in their career of being not only the kind of Instagram bot that can help you with effortless Instagram growth, but with powerful growth as well. In fact, they say that they are the safest solution to grow your Instagram profile right now, which means that they are dedicated to helping their clients gain active followers and boost their engagement. If you aren't sure what they're all about, and want to learn more, you can make the most of their live demo, and if you get a little bit further down the track, and realize that they aren't suited to your needs, they have a 14-day money-back guarantee as well.

16. Stormlikes
Stormlikes is one of those Instagram bots that can help you with every aspect of your Instagram. If you are looking for just help with your followers, they can help you with them, but they can also help you with your views, likes, and comments as well. They are a savvy, experienced Instagram bot that knows that there are a lot of ghost accounts and fake profiles floating around, and the last thing they want to do is get their clients mixed up in this. They say that once you've entered a few basic details, they will start growing your Instagram for you, and the best part is that they will find just the right people for your content so that you've got your ideal target audience looking at your videos and images.

17. Social Viral
Social Viral is a sophisticated Instagram bot that can help you not only with your Instagram engagement, but with every other social network out there. This means that they can help you with your Spotify, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter. They say that their engagement is real and exclusive, so you're not going to find it anywhere else. When it comes to their results, they say that they provide their clients with a plethora of different services, and the best part is that they make sure that their clients can afford them no matter what, which means that they have flexible pricing options. You can also get in touch with them should you have any further questions.

18. Trusy
Trusy is the kind of Instagram bot that we don't normally recommend on this list, namely because they're so expensive. However, there are times to make exceptions, and we think in this case, this Instagram bot is one of the best your money could buy. Of course, they’re designed for the kind of people that have a lot of money in their social media marketing budget, so if you can afford to stretch your budget for them, we highly recommend that you do. They say that they provide their clients with huge levels of Instagram growth, and the best part is that they remain within Instagram’s daily limits and general terms and conditions. They are by far one of the best Instagram bots in the industry, so we suggest that you grab this opportunity with both hands.

19. Combin
Combin is easily one of the best Instagram bots on the market. Why? Because of their dedication to their clients. They know that you need so much more than just a hand-out for your engagement, you need help with managing your target audience, and knowing where to find them. They also want to help their clients improve the quality of their content, which is why they have an entire service dedicated to helping them schedule posts ahead of time. This way, you can see what’s working, what’s not, and how you can improve on your growth strategy for the future.

20. FanBump
Fan Bump is definitely one of the most reliable Instagram bots in the industry, and we are happy to say that they have been doing their thing for quite some time now. They definitely know what their clients need to do really well, and they definitely know how to provide them with the latest features to achieve this. If you need to know anything more about them, you can get in touch with their customer support team, and we are also impressed with their pricing as well – we think that it’s more than reasonable.

21. Instavast
Instavast has a lot of experience being one of the industry’s best Instagram bots, and now they have a complete suite of features to help you do really well with your profile in general. We love that they can help you automate all of the right things, and they can also help you get to know them through their free trial. This is one of the best ways to get to know a service like this, so we highly recommend you check it out. They say that with their features, you can get on board within just a couple of minutes, and you can set your growth to autopilot, enabling you to focus on your content instead.

22. AI Grow
AI Grow says that when it comes to their Instagram bot, it’s the complete package. It’s everything you could ever need to help you do really well with your Instagram growth, and one of the things that we really like is that this company is aware most of their clients have a brand. They want to find features that relate to brand marketing, and not just finding more people to like generic content.

They ultimately want to help you streamline the entire process, so that you can spend more time on what you really love, which is your brand and the videos and images that you produce for it.

23. Follow Adder
Follow Adder is a staple of the Instagram bot industry – they have been around pretty much since Instagram first got its start all those years ago. 
They help their clients through a user-friendly dashboard, and they also make it so that you can afford their features, no matter what your budget looks like. We also appreciate their customer support and think that they are ideal no matter what stage of the game you’re at.

Final thoughts

So, there you have it – what we believe are the best Instagram bots in the industry right now. We know that you might not have a lot in your social media marketing budget right now, but we still want you to be able to grow your reputation on Instagram safely, and not take any shortcuts. 

Go with any of the companies that we have talked about above and know that you are in good hands and are associating with brands that want to see you do really well in the future. Good luck!

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