A total of 5,000 non-EU workers have been given a complete skills pass to work in the tourism and hospitality industry in Malta so far. 

The majority, 78%, are already working in Malta while the rest applied for the pass from overseas. 

As of May last year, non-EU workers in hotel, bar, and restaurant services were required to hold a skills card that costs €475 to work in the sector. 

On Tuesday, the head of ITS, Pierre Fenech, gave an overview of the candidates and results of the skills pass tests over the past four months. This followed the update given last September. 

Since September, the number of candidates increased by 57%  - of these 58% were working in Malta. Out of the third-country nationals residing in Malta and working in hospitality and tourism, 37% successfully obtained their skills pass.

The skills pass is a verification process initiated by the Maltese government to allow skilled workers in the tourism and hospitality industry to gain recognition for their skills and be able to work in Malta in this industry. It was introduced to control the quality of workers coming to Malta to work in the industry.

Non-EU nationals who want to get a skills pass have to register on an online platform and go through a two-phase test. In the first phase, they sign up for online courses in a variety of topics such as English proficiency, basic Maltese tourism product, essential English for hospitality, basic customer care, as well as verification in their chosen field of work. Each course has an exam.

Once phase one is successfully completed and the certificate has been issued, the candidate can apply for an online verification interview that takes place virtually at ITS or in a centre in their home country. Candidates who have been living in Malta for more than one year are excluded from sitting for Phase 2.

Biggest number of applicants was Nepalese

Data showed that the largest percentage of candidates who applied for the skills card were from Nepal followed by India.

The pass rate for phase one dropped from 99% in September to 93% this month. Failures for phase two also dropped from 50% to 47%.

Fenech said that, as from March 1, qualified candidates can obtain a higher-level skills pass through a new registration process. They will be able to submit their qualification, await approval and, if approved, they will obtain the equivalent level of skills pass. 

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