A new €7 million agreement between the government and Church-run Fondazzjoni Sebħ will go towards the care of the 42 children under the foundation’s watch, social policy minister Michael Falzon said.

The foundation’s seven residential centres are home to 42 children who are under a care order and unable to return home.

The foundation estimates that it costs some  €70,000 each year to cover the basic needs – including food, education, therapy and healthcare - for a single child.

Speaking at the signing of the agreement on Monday, Falzon described the three-year agreement as “an investment in the future of 42 children, a tenth of all the children under alternative care in Malta”.

“The funds allocated through the agreement will help bolster the specialised care that the foundation provides,” Fondazzjoni Sebħ director Yvonne Mallia said, describing how the foundation employs workers around the clock to provide the necessary care.

The agreement being signed on Monday morning. Photo: Jonathan BorgThe agreement being signed on Monday morning. Photo: Jonathan Borg

Foundation for Social Welfare Services director Alfred Grixti said there are roughly 500 children under a care order in Malta. Of these, some 270 are currently in foster care, with the remainder residing in homes such as those of Fondazzjoni Sebħ.

Now almost into its seventh decade, Fondazzjoni Sebħ was set up in 1956 to provide care for children under the care of various religious orders, as well as to help women and children in need.

Anyone in need of assistance can contact Fondazzjoni Sebħ on 22470900 or by email at info@sebh.mt

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