Bernard Grech on Monday slammed the government for coming up with a budget that failed to offer solutions to the daily challenges being faced by people.

In comments outside parliament, the Opposition leader said the country was feeling the stress being placed on its infrastructure due to overpopulation.

Despite this, Grech said the government intended to continue importing “cheap labour.”

He said the influx of foreign workers had left people competing for the use of medical services, the road infrastructure and government services.

Grech said the government also did little to address the cost of living crunch.

Pensioners, he insisted, need more than the €15 monthly increase being given by the government, the bulk of which was made up of the cost-of-living increase.

“The government is clearly tired and has given up on governing,” Grech said. 

Silent on education, healthcare

On the hospitals deal, Grech said the government had not said a word on how it planned to recoup the €400 million paid to Steward and Vitals. 

“The government colluded with those who defrauded the country, so no wonder it cannot reclaim the money,” Grech said.

The Opposition leader said the budget was also silent on education and healthcare. He said there was no indication in the budget plan about the building of a new hospital in Gozo.

The new hospital was meant to be built by Vitals and Steward.

During a national protest against the hospitals deal on Sunday, Grech gave the police commissioner a three-day ultimatum to take action in light of a court decision confirming “collusion” between the government and Vitals.

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