Marilu’s and House of Tours have partnered to offer a unique event that blends storytelling with culinary history, transporting guests back to World War II’s black-market era in Malta.

The event, titled Mhux Bir-Ration, will take place on August 22 at Marilu’s restaurant, in Siġġiewi, starting at 7.30pm.

The highlight of the evening is a three-course meal, inspired by the dishes that would have been available on the black market during the war. The team at Marilu’s will prepare the dishes, offering a taste of the past.

Jeremy Grech, from the House of Tours, will serve as the master of ceremonies, guiding guests through the history and stories of the wartime black market.

In February 1941, the Maltese government introduced general rationing in response to the war. Initially, essential items like sugar, matches, soap and coffee were rationed but, as the war progressed, other items, including cigarettes, were also rationed. This period saw the rise of the black market, where people sought to acquire goods that were otherwise unavailable.

Marilu Vella, founder of Marilu’s, acknowledged the benefits of exploring and experimenting with foreign cuisines but expressed concern that, over the years, there has been a loss of connection with many traditional Maltese recipes and techniques.

We have a cruel nostalgia for the war- Jeremy Grech

She said: “Many young people today do not even know what bir-ration refers to and this event aims to revive these memories and traditions.”

Although Vella did not experience the wartime rationing herself, she recalls the impact it had on her family. “My grandparents often spoke about the food during the war. I remember my grandfather, Wiġi, singing the Victory Kitchen song, with my grandmother joining in,” she shared. “I hope that, through events like these, we can keep these memories alive.”

Grech is eager to share the stories of the black market, highlighting the lengths people went to in order to survive. For example, mothers would hide goods in their babies’ prams or on their children to avoid detection.

“We have a cruel nostalgia for the war,” Grech said. “Let us appreciate the patriotism but we must not forget the reality of what it was like to live through it.”

Grech added that, although he hopes people enjoy the event, he also wants them to learn and understand what life was truly like 80 years ago.

Mhux Bir-Ration promises to be a blend of history, food and storytelling to offer a glimpse into Malta’s wartime past.

Booking is required to attend the event.


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