The prime minister indicated on Wednesday that Edward Scicluna should step down as Governor of the Central Bank after a magistrate ruled that he must stand trial for alleged fraud and misappropriation in the Vitals Hospitals concession. 

“The role of central bank governor is a sensitive one. I know Prof. Edward Scicluna has a lot of integrity. I know how hard he worked for the country, and how he always put the national interest first...... I think he (Scicluna) is able to arrive to the right decision” the prime minister told Times of Malta.

“The correct decision for the central bank governor can be seen from the example set by the ex-deputy prime minister (Chris Fearne) and the example set by permanent secretary Ronald Mizzi. I believe good sense will prevail. I believe the national interest will prevail as will the interest of the sector which is currently overseen by professor Scicluna,” Abela said. 

The prime minister suggested on Wednesday that the Central Bank Governor should resign. Video Chris Sant Fournier.

Fearne resigned from the Cabinet as soon as charges were filed against him two months ago. Mizzi resigned earlier on Wednesday

Abela explained that whereas Scicluna and the other co-accused had to date been awaiting a decision on whether they would stand trial, Wednesday's decision (that a trial will go ahead) meant that central bank governor would be facing court proceeding for possibly years. 

The issue was whether the central bank could be led by a governor who faced court proceedings for a long time, Abela said. 

He remarked that while Fearne, Mizzi, and Scicluna would continue to be presumed innocent, the benchmark on whether there was enough prima facie evidence for a trial was very low. 

Scicluna was finance minister when the government controversially negotiated and granted the hospitals concession to Vitals Global Healthcare in 2015. He was appointed governor of the Central Bank in January 2021. 

New nominee for the European Commission to be announced by the end of the week

Abela also revealed that he would name a new nominee to serve as European Commissioner by the end of the week.

Abela had said last week that he would go ahead with his plans to nominate Fearne as Malta's next European Commissioner if the court cleared him of further proceedings. 

But with the decision having gone against Fearne, Abela said on Wednesday he would announce his new pick to serve as commissioner later this week. 

He would not say whether it would be a serving minister or even a politician. 

Meanwhile, Fearne said earlier on Wednesday that he would not seek re-election as Labour's deputy leader for parliamentary affairs, clearing the way for the prime minister to appoint a new deputy prime minister once a new deputy leader is elected by the party in mid-September. 

Abela avoided a direct reply when asked if he was planning a Cabinet reshuffle.  He said that “from time to time there is need for a change”.

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