Announcements on who will fill the CEO positions in Transport Malta and Infrastructure Malta will be made imminently, Robert Abela said on Wednesday. 

Mark Mallia resigned from Transport Malta after five months in June, when he was named chief of staff at the office of the prime minister

Ivan Falzon resigned from his job as Infrastructure Malta CEO on Thursday. 

Video: Jonathan Borg

Sources close to the Transport Ministry said Transport Minister Chris Bonett and Falzon agreed to an "amicable separation" at a meeting some four weeks ago, with the government wanting to take Infrastructure Malta "in a different direction".

Sources said that a successor for Falzon at Infrastructure Malta has already been identified but did not divulge a name. 

Asked why Falzon had resigned the prime minister said: “That’s a question to ask him. What I can say is that I worked a lot with Ivan on many infrastructural projects. He did a good job, and I understand that people have different aspirations”. 

On whether Falzon’s resignation came on his own volition, the prime minister said it was an amicable decision with the transport minister.  

Abela said Falzon still had a lot to give to the public sector, whatever his role may be. 

Under him infrastructure in Malta has improved, he said. 

No final decision has been made as to who will take over from Mallia at Transport Malta, sources close to the ministry said. 

“We are not excluding a temporary replacement for the time being,” sources close to the Transport Ministry said.  

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