Land which used to be considered outside the development zones (ODZ) should be returned to that status, and the 'rationalisation exercise' should be discarded, the Green Party said on Saturday.

Speaking at the site of a proposed mega block of apartments in an area of Marsascala which used to be considered as ODZ up to 2006, ADPD candidate  Brian Decelis called for the take-up of virgin land to stop.

"This madness must stop – both in Marsascala as well as other localities: the remaining virgin land should be retained as such," Decelis said.

The proposed development will see untouched rural land in Żonqor excavated to make way for 180 garages at basement level, two retail outlets as well as 135 apartments, with drawings indicating that these are planned to go up to five storeys.

ADPD is appealing to the Planning Authority that should such development be considered, it should not be higher than two floors in recognition of the fact that this will be next to a rural zone, at the edge of a development zone and built on sloping ground.

Party leader Carmel Cacopardo recalled how Malta’s parliament in 2006 approved the “rationalisation” exercise, as a result of which extensive stretches of land all over the islands, until then ODZ, were declared as land suitable for development.

"This has made possible the proposals for development on land such as this one in Żonqor without taking into consideration the cumulative impact of such a development," he said.

"It is a fact that such massive projects will lead to the degradation of the quality of life for the residents already living in these localities," he added.

Decelis said the visual impact on the seaside locality would be massive, so much so that even photo montages published by the PA itself show that the view of Marsascala bay will be completely obliterated from the Żonqor hill area.

The seaside locality was under attack from multiple directions with development proposals submitted on ODZ land as well as the taking over of public land by commercial entities to extend their business, Decelis said.

Cacopardo said the basic question to ask is whether Malta really needs such large-scale developments.

"Why are we determined as a country to develop every square centimetre of our land? Isn’t it about time that a moratorium on such large-scale development enters in force?" he said.


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