The Labour Party is proud of Chris Fearne, Prime Minister Robert Abela said on Sunday.

Addressing a Labour rally in Mosta, Abela said both the party and the country were proud of the work done by Fearne.

Fearne resigned as deputy prime minister last week after facing fraud charges over the hospitals' scandal. He is set to stay on as Labour’s deputy leader for the time being.

Abela said on Sunday Fearne had dedicated his life to serving the country, putting his personal career aside. 

He slammed Opposition leader Bernard Grech for saying Fearne had “damaged” the country.

“People like him [Fearne] should never be the target of such attacks. Chris, Labour is proud of you, Malta is proud of you. We are proud of what you worked towards, and we will work with strength to ensure the people’s wishes are respected,” Abela said.

The prime minister said it has been an emotional week, something he felt "on a personal level".

In an indirect reference to the Vitals/Stewards inquiry, Abela said he had conversations with people “who have served their country with loyalty”.

“You can see the tears of someone who is facing injustice. I feel their pain. These people know they will be proven right in time. But they still ask, why me? One told me they will be dead by the time they are proven right”.

Central Bank governor Edward Scicluna, Economy Ministry permanent secretary Ronald Mizzi and ex-permanent secretaries Joe Rapa and Alfred Camilleri are all facing fraud charges in connection with the Vitals/Steward privatisation deal.

Neither Scicluna nor Mizzi have resigned.

Abela's predecessor Joseph Muscat has been charged with money laundering and corruption.

Abela made no reference to Muscat during his speech.

The prime minister said whenever people shunned “the establishment”, they ended up being attacked and denigrated.

He said by shunning the establishment, the country had managed to move forward, introduce civil rights, achieve economic growth and build a new middle class.

“Be proud of this, and let us achieve more and more together. The people’s choice must be respected, no force can be allowed to stop the government from completing its election manifesto,” the prime minister said.

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