The Chamber of Architects has requested an official meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss how it could be of technical support to the government in the implementation of the Jean Paul Sofia inquiry report.
In a letter to the Prime Minister, the chamber referred to the inquiry into the death of construction site victim Jean Paul Sofia and said it hoped that now there would remain no doubt about the competence and genuineness of the proposals the Chamber has been insisting upon since 2019.
The inquiry's main conclusion was that the State must bear responsibility for Sofia's death.
It went to considerable lengths flagging multiple failings in various state" authorities and noted that the broader government apparatus was to blame for having allowed a legislative mess to develop over the years.
"Sources close to the chamber told Times of Malta they believe the BCA board should resign in light of the inquiry findings.
In its letter, the chamber said its proposals were made in its A Modern Building & Construction Regulation Framework and also through several statements, reports, and interventions in various meetings.
The chamber said it was now clear more than ever before that it was a credible and trustworthy interlocutor for the government on which Cabinet could find a point of reference with recommendations and technical inputs of the highest level.
It said that during the meeting it wanted to discuss how the board’s recommendations could be developed within a regulatory basis that was coherent and planned without impulsiveness but with determination and confidence and with the chamber’s support.
It also wanted to discuss the future of the Building and Construction Authority, which, to date had not yet found its feet although nearly three years had passed since its setting up and was not succeeding in meeting the government’s and the public’s expectations.