A total of 45 concerts will benefit from a €1 million Rock’N Malta fund this year, the Minister for National Heritage and the Arts Owen Bonnici announced on Friday.

The fund, which is managed by Festivals Malta, incentivises local organisers, promoters, artists and bands to invest in rock music by offering financial aid as well as logistical guidance and marketing.

Festivals Malta received a record number of submissions for this fund which has now been increased to €1 million “so that more artists can benefit from it,” Bonnici said.

The 45 projects which will be supported by this fund will feature a total of 700 artists, both local and foreign.

“This investment will give more opportunities to new talent, strengthen collaboration between different artists and further generate interest in live music,” Bonnici added.

Since it was set up in 2017, the Rock’N Malta fund has facilitated numerous events, attracting both local and international audiences and positioning Malta as a hub for quality rock music events.

International artists that performed in Malta through this fund include Lordi, Barclay James Harvest, Dream Theatre, Krokus, and Steve Hackett, among others.

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