The average family of four is now spending €1,500 more annually on food than it did in 2020, a Caritas survey has found.

The increases, it said, reflect the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war.

In February 2023, the average family of four- two parents and two children- spent €719 monthly on food, amounting to €8,634 annually. Three years ago, the same basket of food cost the family €593 a month and €7,121 a year. 

The study, part of the Caritas 'Minimum Essential Budget for a Decent Living' (MEBDL) report, identifies the cost of a basket of goods and healthcare services needed by three types of families with a low-income to be able to live a basic but decent quality of life in Malta.

The three types of families are: two adults and two children, one adult and two children, and an elderly couple aged over 65.

The study shows that elderly citizens are also struggling with soaring food prices. In July 2020, an elderly couple would spend €3,300 a year on food, or €280 a month. By February 2023, their bill had increased by almost 30% to €4,300 a year and over €360 a month- an increase of €970 over a period of nearly three years. 

How much does a family spend on food and medicine? 

The report shows that food costs for a family of two parents and two children saw an increase of close to 3% when compared to last year’s prices and a 21% increase when compared to 2020. 

In 2020, a single parent with children would spend €430 a month on food, translating to €5,100 in a year.  In three years, food bills for the same family increased by over 25%, and over and above they also saw an increase of over 27% in medicine prices.

The increase in food prices of the study's 7-day menu was approximately three percent, while the national annual Inflation rate for January 2023 for food was 11.16%. 

Researcher Suzanne Piscopo explained that the difference stemmed from the fact that the composition of the food baskets was different and Caritas usually went for lower-priced food, local food and when possible, took advantage of special offers on food. 

Cost of food basket for families and the increase since 2020. Photo: Caritas MaltaCost of food basket for families and the increase since 2020. Photo: Caritas Malta

The elderly spend close to €50 a month on healthcare

The report also highlighted how elderly couples were the worst hit by price increases.

In 2023, an elderly couple spent the most when it came to medicines and healthcare items, spending €50 a month and close to €600 annually. 

The price of healthcare items, used mostly by the elderly shot up by nearly 45% since 2020.

The healthcare bill for a family of four was €388 annually, and €245 for a family of three. 

The increase in the cost of MEBDL medicines and healthcare items ranged from 6.29% to 14.07%. 

Piscopo said that pharmacists had noted that more elderly people were buying Vitamin D and calcium tablets. 

“The cost for an elderly person of bone density strengthening supplements amount to approximately €177 annually,” she said. 

Cost of mediciene and healthcare for families and the increase in prices compared in the past three years. Photo: CartiasCost of mediciene and healthcare for families and the increase in prices compared in the past three years. Photo: Cartias

She said many people were also buying a vitamin/mineral supplement for general health maintenance. 

“We were also told that pharmacies noted an increase of clients buying anti-depressant medication,” she said, noting that hopefully, next year’s report would also include the costs of such medications. 

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