Updated 2.50pm.

A pensioner from the UK who went missing in Sliema on Friday afternoon, was found in Valletta on Sunday.

Michael Clarkson, 74, also known as Mike, left the Victoria Hotel for a short walk at around 4pm on Friday, but did not return.

His family issued Facebook appeals for information and alerted the police.

His sister Susan said on Sunday he had been found in Valletta and been taken to hospital for a checkup.

Clarkson and his wife Barbara, joined by their friends Jennifer and Peter Crowther, are on holiday in Malta to celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary.

Jennifer Crowther said the group was "very worried about him", adding they had been constantly searching Sliema for him since he had gone missing. 

She said the missing man, while having seemed in good health in Malta, suffered from periods of forgetfulness and anxiety, and appealed for help finding him.

His sister in the UK said his family back home were "extremely worried" and joined the calls for help finding her brother. 

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