A woman who admitted to punching her wife was handed a conditional discharge for a year, a court heard on Monday.  

The prosecution told a court presided over by Magistrate Joseph Gatt how, on  February 23, the victim had filed a police report against her wife of four years after she had been punched in the face during an argument at their home.

Inspector Sherona Buhagiar said the accused cooperated with the police and did not deny the claims but had told the police she did so to protect herself from her wife, who had confronted her with a screwdriver.

A risk assessment was carried out with the victim found to be at risk of severe danger.

During the arraignment, the accused pleaded guilty to the charges, leading the Magistrate to temporarily suspend the sitting so the accused had time to reconsider her plea.

Following the suspension, the magistrate handed the accused a conditional discharge for one year and issued a two-year protection order in favour of the victim.

“My obligation to you [the defendant] is to keep the peace; the peace between your family, and especially her [the victim],” the Magistrate told the accused.

The prosecution was led by Inspector Sherona Buhagiar, and lawyer Josephine Farrugia Mifsud appeared parte civile.

Defence lawyers Franco Debono and Adreana Zammit appeared for the defendant. 

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