The site where Jean Paul Sofia was killed in December 2022 will be turned into a garden bearing the name of the 20-year-old, Economy Minister Silvio Schembri said on Thursday.

Speaking in Parliament, the Economy Minister said this was in line with a wish expressed to him by Sofia's mother Isabelle Bonnici.

"When I met Jean Paul's mother some months ago, one of her wishes was that the site where the tragedy occurred be turned into the garden named after Jean Paul".

"I am taking on the responsibility and committing to starting work immediately to convert the site into a public garden in honour of Jean Paul Sofia as soon as legal procedures are concluded and the site is returned to INDIS," stated Schembri.

Schembri's ministerial portfolio includes INDIS, which administers the Corradino industrial park. 

He was addressing a parliamentary debate on the findings of a public inquiry into the construction death of Sofia. 

The inquiry concluded that Sofia died in an essentially unregulated construction site, and the state must bear responsibility for the tragedy.

It went to considerable lengths flagging multiple failings in various state authorities. 

Several key officials that were named in the report have since resigned. One was sacked.

The inquiry has made recommendations which the government promised to implement.

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