Two of the suspected murderers of Daphne Caruana Galizia are challenging the validity of the pardon granted to ‘middleman’ Melvin Theuma, calling for it to be revoked within 24 hours.

Alfred and George Degiorgio have filed a judicial protest against the Prime Minister, President George Vella, the Police Commissioner, the Attorney General and Mr Theuma himself, claiming that the pardon was granted under false factual presuppositions and upon the recommendation of the Prime Minister who had “a serious conflict of interest.”

The judicial protest, filed on Monday by the Degiorgios' lawyer, William Cuschieri, pointed out that on November 19, Dr Muscat announced an “unprecedented move”, saying that he was signing a letter assuring the alleged middleman that he would recommend a pardon as long as Theuma disclosed full information on the assassination.

Moreover, the PM “expressly and explicitly” announced that he was taking the decision single-handedly, without sounding his cabinet and shouldering full responsibility for his decision. 

The move came four days after Theuma, whilst being informally spoken to by investigators, had claimed to possess first-hand details on the “contracting, plotting and execution” of the Caruana Galizia assassination.

Theuma also claimed to know “the exact identity of the mastermind” as well as those who had executed the killing, the money paid to the three men up to the time of their arrest on December 4, 2017 and even after that date. 

All this information, he would willingly divulge if granted a presidential pardon, Theuma had said. 

Following the granting of that pardon, however, media reports had shown that  the name of Yorgen Fenech had long been brought to the knowledge of the relevant authorities, the Degiorgios protested. 

At least since April 2018, their co-accused in the murder, Vincent Muscat, had mentioned Mr Fenech to investigators, so much so that the Prime Minister had signed a warrant authorizing the Security Services to tap Mr Fenech’s phone. 

Recent media reports quoted Mr Muscat’s wife saying “It’s a complete injustice that Theuma should give evidence against Vince when Vince was the one that led police to him and helped solve this case.”

In the light of such circumstances, the protesting parties called upon the authorities to revoke the pardon which was granted “irregularly, abusively and illegally” and to do so within 24 hours, failing which the Degiorgios would take further action. 

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