"Malta must redeem itself by reversing the conditions that enabled our daughter’s assassination," the parents of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia said in a statement on Wednesday.

Caruana Galizia, known especially for her anti-corruption blog posts, was killed by a car bomb outside her house five years ago on October 16.

Michael and Rose Marie Vella issued a statement to back over 100 journalists who last week wrote to the prime minister urging him to publish recommendations made to the government on legislative changes to help and protect journalists and freedom of expression. They also asked for public consultation.

"We wholeheartedly back the signatories of the letter, particularly their call for a process of reform that is transparent, effective, and fully open to public scrutiny and participation," the parents said. 

"It is disturbing that, despite the findings of the state-appointed public inquiry into the circumstances of our daughter Daphne’s assassination - the reason why reforms are crucial - the government has to be reminded that “every citizen has the right to participate in reforms which, supposedly, are aimed at protecting their fundamental rights.” 

"Nothing will ever bring our daughter back, but Malta has an opportunity to redeem itself for its failure to protect her life by reversing the conditions that made her murder possible."

They said Malta needs truly effective reforms if it is to be capable of protecting journalists and safeguarding everyone’s fundamental right to be informed. But the government would not achieve this by drafting laws in secret, nor by presenting legislation to parliament before it has thoroughly passed the test of public scrutiny and consultation. 

"The process of reform is as important as its outcome. The government must recognise this explicitly and act accordingly. Reforms should be implemented transparently, preceded by a period of public consultation that should not be rushed for the sake of political expediency. Our daughter - and our country - deserve no less."

Meanwhile the government has announced that Justice Minister Minister  Justice Jonathan Attard will address a press conference on Wednesday afternoon as draft legislation being moved in parliament "for the strengthening of protection and freedom of the media".

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