Protocols for seated events like Saturday's Malta Film Awards "are very clear and any deviances are investigated", Charmaine Gauci said on Wednesday.

The Superintendent of Public Health declined to speak specifically about the award ceremony, limiting herself to saying that "we are in contact with Malta Tourism Authority who actually give approvals for events following risk assessments". 

Times of Malta has reached out to the MTA for comment. No reply was forthcoming at the time of writing. 

Gauci was answering questions about the film awards during her bi-monthly show Ask Charmaine, aired by Times of Malta

Several audience members at the Malta Film Awards were seen not wearing a mask during the event, despite rules for seated events stipulating that masks must be worn at all times and may only be removed while eating or drinking.

A screenshot from the event shows the vast majority of audience members not wearing a mask.A screenshot from the event shows the vast majority of audience members not wearing a mask.

The glitzy event was attended by several politicians and VIPs, with awards handed out by the broadcasting, culture and tourism ministers, Planning Authority CEO, University of Malta rector and Malta Enterprise CEO, among others. 

Opposition leader Bernard Grech has been among those to question why audience members were allowed to go maskless, despite pandemic-related rules stating otherwise. 

"Aren't the rules there for everyone? Do we have laws for the Gods and laws for everyone else?" he asked. 

One of his MPs, Claudio Grech, also made reference to the issue earlier on Wednesday, when he asked why a religious procession was being denied a permit. 

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