The Maltese Diabetes Association has again urged the government to seriously consider the introduction of continuous glucose monitoring devices (CGMs) for all persons living with type 1 diabetes, irrespective of age.

This, it said on Friday, should be seen as a long-term investment since patients would be ultimately managing and controlling their condition more effectively.

It said that the successful six-month pilot project for children and adolescents aged 16 years and under was testimony to this.

The association said that while it appreciated that the project may have financial implications, it can be introduced in a staggered way, starting from adults aged between 16 and 40, and eventually reaching out to all persons living with type 1 diabetes within a stipulated timeframe.

“With the upcoming budget being presented by the government next month, we hope that our heartfelt appeal on behalf of all those living with type 1 diabetes is heard and given due consideration.

"We sincerely hope that the Budget will outline a clear road map when such devices would be introduced thus providing such persons with reassurance and ensuring that they have 24/7 monitoring of their condition and effectively better diabetes management and control”, the association stated.

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