In 2018, Express Trailers kicked off its digitalisation with Project CarLo with the primary aim of simplifying and bringing new efficiencies in the processing of client documentation, bookings and improving internal communication.

According to Etienne Attard, the company’s CEO, the project is already redefining the company’s customer experience.

“I think that this project is teaching us how crucial digitalisation is in our competitive environment. I am convinced that today if you don’t digitalize, you will miss the boat.”

Attard explained how Express Trailers set out on this project with three main targets.

“First of all, we wanted to optimise the operating procedure to achieve new efficiencies. We also wanted to broaden and deepen our business intelligence capabilities to understand our operations better and we also wanted to be able to engage more intimately with our customers.”

“We also believe that by digitalizing most processes, by linking various departments together and by delivering new efficiencies, we will have all the credentials to re-confirm Express Trailers as one of the top logistics companies in Malta,” he added.

Attard noted that the company had a pressing question that needed to be answered.

“We had been asking ourselves ‘What does the future of logistics look like?’ The answer was clear: logistics companies are increasingly being expected to operate more sustainably. Therefore, investing in a digitalisation project that would help us operate more sustainably was our natural way forward. which is also our strategy ”

“Put simply, we are aiming to facilitate the transition from manual work processes to digitalisation, therefore simplifying both internal and external documentation,” added Charles Arapa, Head of Analytics, BI and Automation at Express Trailers who has been heading the implementation of this project since the start.

Arapa explained how the system was chosen following a thorough procurement process which saw over 30 submissions.

“Eventually we opted for a solution provided by a leading international company in AI and digitalisation. Their solution not only offered us all the major functionalities we were seeking but they also presented themselves as a crisis-proof partner because they were ready to accompany us in every step of the implementation,” explained Arapa.

This software was a natural choice for us not only because it is a market leading one in transport management systems but also because like Express Trailers, the company is a family business who understood our specific requirements for a digitalisation platform that would support our commitment to more sustainable operations,” he added.

Arapa explains how implementation was planned across three main phases and work started in September 2018 followed up immediately with the first in-house training the following month.

“Phase 1 saw the compilation of all the Master Data on the system with roll-out on our full trailer operations. The second phase saw the implementation of the software across our Air freight, Sea freight, Road Operations and Local distribution modules whereas the third phase involved Customs Clearance, the linking with other information modules, Sign-on-Glass, Track & Trace, CRM, enhancements and further automation.” 

Arapa noted that besides the challenging task of implementing such a mammoth project across such a large organisation like Express Trailers, the other challenge was making employees understand the benefits and potential outcomes of this investment.

“Luckily, improvements immediately started being noticed because in some areas of operation such as the processing of documentation where the processing time of requests and orders already had improved by a staggering 50 per cent,” recalls Mr Arapa.

“And of course, the training that we continue to deliver on this system, with the support of Soloplan’s trainers helped employees familiarize themselves with all modules, the configuration and the update of workflows to automate work as much as possible.”

Etienne Attard noted how the fact that digitalisation projects such as the one being implemented by Express Trailers, take place behind the scenes, the benefits of such an investment are not always very visible to the end customer.

“Customers usually think of benefits in terms of better pricing. But a digitalisation project such as ours requires a level of maturity that invites our customers to look beyond the prospect of financial gains and to consider the added peace of mind, brought by a system that gives them more access and direct visibility of their shipments, Customs Clearance declaration modules, paperless documentation and enhanced efficiencies whenever they want to communicate with us.”

“Most importantly, this investment brought all employees even closer as we all worked on a common goal. There is a shared understanding of how vital it was for Express Trailers to deliver new levels of efficiencies, improved Business Intelligence, and a more meaningful customer experience,” concluded Attard.

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