Only around 600 new applications for COVID-19 related assistance schemes were submitted this week, with the total number of applications now reaching 9,095, the Social Solidarity Minister Michael Falzon said on Wednesday.

The announcement came at a press conference marking the fifth cycle in payments to those who impacted by the virus.

Around 1,200 applications per week were being submitted in previous weeks, Permanent Secretary Mark Musù pointed out.

He also said that 165 people who were either received parental, disability or medical benefits, had returned to work and stopped needing assistance.

Another 84 receiving the COVID-19 additional unemployment benefit had also found a job, and no longer needed support.

Falzon said that 84.4% of those who received assistance were Maltese, while the remaining beneficiaries were foreign - 6.7% from the European Union and 8.9% from tertiary countries. 

“This reflects what a cosmopolitan country we have become and how far-reaching and non-discriminatory these benefits are,” Falzon said.

Government expenditure on these benefits so far totalled €5.8 million, he pointed out.

In all, the beneficiaries who have been paid up so far have received an average of €902 per person, a spokesperson for the Social Solidarity Ministry pointed out.

"This will continue to increase till the situation persists," she added.

Turning to the helplines, Musù pointed out that 8,753 telephone calls had been received on 2590 3030, set up to provide the elderly with help to buy necessities, including medicine.

And, over the last month, Aġenzija Appoġġ had received 2,290 telephone calls on 1772, from people feeling lonely, he said.

It was also pointed out that the Foundation for Social Welfare had distributed 10,000 boxes of food to vulnerable people since the pandemic began.

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